My Farewell Speech !
I was a member in the third meeting of the Judicial Group of strengthening Judicial Integrity attended by Chief Justices of different countries during January 2003 at Colombo. I visited Nepal also. By talking to Chief Justice of Supreme Court of both the countries, I tried to secure some reciprocal benefits to the dignitaries from the High Court visiting these countries. It is hoped that they will materialize in the near future. As Chief Justice of this High Court, I had occasions to interact with a number of foreign dignities on being invited by the Excellency the Governor of Karnataka. I am highly grateful to Her Excellency Smt. V.S. Rama Devi and His Excellency Shri T.N. Chaturvedi for the opportunity provided. A number of foreign Judges and eminent jurists like Mrs. Justice Campbell, Federal Court, Canada, Justice Micheal Kirby, Australian Judge, Thailand delegation led by Justice Praphansubsaeng, Presiding Justice of Thailand Supreme Court, Delegates from Indonesia headed by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arbijoto, Judge Supreme Court of Indonesia and Chiense delegation led by Mr. H.E. Liu Jaichen, Vice-President of Supreme Court People’s Court of China and a delegation from Sri Lanka have also visited this Court. They have appreciated our work and returned with sweet memories.
As per the resolution passed in the Conference of Chief Justices, held on 10th, 11th, & 12th October, 2003, I was appointed as one of the members of the Committee, along with two other Chief Justices, which are constituted to examine the recommendations of Arrears Committee Report 1989-1990 (Justice Malimath Committee Report) and First National Judicial Pay Commission (Justice K.Jagannath Shetty Commission) Report, and to submit the report. I appreciate the co-operation extended by the respective High Court Registry and the Chief Justices of different High Courts in sending the necessary information, enabling us to submit the report in time. The report was also considered in Chief Justices’ and Chief Ministers’ Conference recently held on 18 & 19th September, 2004.
It is not out of place to mention that Assistant Registrars (Protocol), Sri. D.R. Balakrishna, Sri. K.S. Raghavendra Rao and Sri Kanakraj and the staff in the Protocol Department, High Court establishment, Accounts and other Judicial and administrative Sections also deserve appreciation and I express my thanks to all of them.
I also appreciate the services rendered by Dr. Dixit and Dr. Triveni of High Court Dispensary. I have also visited Lions Eye Hospital and Manipal Hospital. I appreciate Dr. Jyothi Shetty, Eye Specialist, and Dr. Shivashankar, in taking personal care of me. I remember their services with gratitude.